How to Disappear

RATING: 7/10

A shockingly detailed account of how to actually change your identity and disappear. From getting a new ID, passport, setting up in a new city…it’s all here. The book was written in 1986, so its a bit dated, but surprisingly most of the information seems like it would still hold up today. If you ever want to entertain fantasies of becoming Jason Bourne for real, check this book out.

Get at Amazon

Who and Why:

All disappearance statistics are ultimately based on “official” records of “missing persons and are completely unreliable because (1) the large number of disappearances who are never officially reported as missing persons; and (2) the small number of people listed as missing persons who are not.

A person who disappears has to be formally reported missing before the police will take any official notice, handled by the MPB Missing Persons Bureau.

Most adult missing persons reports are filed by wives whose husbands have ducked out.

Teenage runaways make up a large portion of officially missing persons.

People disappear mainly because of legal, financial, and psychological reasons. Most fall into a combination of the three.

The prime reason for disappearing is an unhappy marriage. It is fairly common for a man to leave his wife, but very rare for a woman to leave his husband. The system of “justice” in the United States heavily slants in favor of women in a divorce –Why would a woman want to slit on her husband if she could divorce him and make him take care of most of the bills.

The greatest reason for women to disappear is battering.  It is the fear of being harmed that is the cause of most female identity changes.

If husband splits and the wife wants to get married again, he will have to either divorce her spouse or have him declared legally dead. Most choose the former as it takes less time and is less expensive.

If the wife wants to collect on her husband’s life insurance policy, she will have to get him declared legally dead.

One of the basic attributes of a person willing and able to disappear and create a new identity is rock-ribbed practicality.

Gauguin Syndrome – depressed men in their forties and fifties who realize they will never accomplish their dreams in life.

A large number of “retired” people establish a second identity so they can work and still draw their maximum Social Security benefits. So they devise another identity, obtain a second social security number, and re-enter the ranks of the employed on a sub-rosa (secret) basis.

One of the unique attributes of criminal disapperees is that they tend to get better with practice. Middle-Class husbands who duck out on their wives’ attorneys are rarely ever located but criminals on the run are often brought back time and again. After their first or second arrest they begin to understand what it takes to stay free and they plan very carefully for their next foray into the free world. The seasoned identity changer is probably the most difficult disappearee to locate.

How – the Mechanics of Disappearing

The most successful vanishers are those whose disappearance was planned well in advance and painstakingly executed.

Many of the disappearances on the surface that look like whimsical undertakings are actually the result of years of detailed and methodical planning even though the person doing the planning may not actually realize it at the time —because of daydreaming of being at another place, perhaps buying maps of South America, guidebooks to Alaska, magazines on boating, etc. One day something happens (an argument or financial situation) and he entertains these fantasies built over the years.

Paul – spent years studying boats, sailing, and the geography of places he wanted to visit. He had the skills and knowledge to successfully travel by water. Two, he got lucky to fall into his new identity (the ship captain coming into town & befriending him, wife not investigating further, Mexican police not doing a thorough background check). And three, the time he spent at sea allowed him to grow into his new identity without having to immediately find a job or a place to live.

Unlike Paul, most start to assemble fake ID. They research the mechanics of identity change; they study the bureaucratic requirements of city, state, and federal governments, of foreign nations and employers. They prepare their disappearance.

Disappearing is a form of suicide. It is a revocable kind of death where one destroys his old life but not his chance to start a new one.

Out of 100 cases of apparent suicide from the Golden Gate Bridge, 26 were found alive and well later —faked their suicide or pseudocide.

One of the ground rules in identity changes is to keep your plans to yourself. It is near impossible to identity change in tandem.

Keep some cash reserve –where will you live, what kind of job will you get?

It isn’t who you are that counts, but whether you can prove it.

Consider a new ID before making a break for it.

Get a confidential mailing address; perhaps the best way is renting a address aka a mail drop, people who rent their addresses for a fee.

Do not bring your car with you, it leaves a trail.

The majority of foreign countries require a passport or birth certificate and supplemental ID – drivers license, credit cards, other licenses, etc. from U.S. Citizens –subject to change often without prior notice.

Mexico actually demands a “proof” of nationality. Drivers licenses and a lot of other things are acceptable. Because of their shitty economy, they don’t have super strict rules. There are even rules for issuing permits in the absent of these things and allow immigration officials to offer a small fee or they may refuse. If this occurs, a small propina (gratutity, almost like a tip) is in order. If the official turns it down, they may demand more money and it becomes a mordita (bribe). If you give too much up front they may get suspicious.

The MPB will not pursue a disapearee across state lines even if they do share information with other MPB’s. You have a good chance of going undetected as long as you follow the simplest of identity-changing procedures.

Fleeing persecution or taking “French” leave with an employer’s money is subject to the FBI – they will hunt you down.

The more money and/or publicity involved in a disappearance, the more intensive and prolonged the search will be.

Creating a Bullet-Proof Identity

The first step in creating an identity is locating a good one to use. The word “locate” is key here. While it is possible to fabricate an identity from scratch, it is extremely difficult.

Build your documentation on a genuine identity, it is a mistake to assume the identity of another living person. Too much of a trail.

Millions of people in the United States are “inadvertent phantoms;” that is, their current documented identity is not the one they started out in life with. This group includes foundlings who were “given” by their parents to another couple who raised the child as their bonafide offspring, adoptees who took the name of their adopting parents without voiding their original birth records, people raised under false names so their false parents could collect more welfare benefits, etc.

—Each and every one of these inadvertent identity changers has a second identity readily available. It will be a simple matter to document the identity he has lived with all his life, and it will also be easy to document the identity under which his birth was actually registered.

If you don’t have a built in second identity, the best way is to use the identity of someone that’s died; there are very little correlation between birth and death records in the U.S.

—War Buddies: a friend that you went through the service with, and that either died in combat or is “missing in action” is an excellent choice. There is a good chance his death was not officially registered in the town where he was born.

—Childhood Friend: you know a lot of your friend’s early life that will help support your story. If he died in a city other than he was born in, chances are there are no records of his death in his hometown.

—Headstones: Cruise the graveyards in any town looking at the tombstones. These usually give the deceased’s original name, date of birth and date of death. Sometimes they include the names of the parents and the place of death, which only make it easier to then get the ID you need.

—Newspapers: check the obituary section of the newspaper. Particularly good in small towns and rural areas because they usually give much more detail about the deceased’s family, age, place of birth and death, and reason for death. You can then investigate anyone of the proper age who was born in a distant city.

Also look for accounts of disasters like plane crashes, train derailments, fires, etc. If the death happened outside of U.S. territory then there is almost no chance that the individuals birth records have been connected with the death.

—Personnel Records: access in a large company, employment agency, or government agency to personnel records. You’ll find complete dossiers of employees, ex-employees, deceased employees, and all their families. Will likely include background, education, and the name, place and date of birth neatly spelled out.

Its best to consider some of the secondary characteristics of the identity you are going to appropriate.

The best names seem to be those from the British Isles or Northern Europe that are common all over the U.S.

Spanish or Spanish-sounding surnames should be avoided.

Check the education background of the identity you’re taking, hopefully they have a good background that will help get you a job.

Avoid identities that have very specialized training.

You don’t want to assume the identity of someone who left a family behind when they went. Chances are their ex-wife or kids are collecting social security as a result of the death.

Documenting your new identity

Need to get information on date of birth, place of birth, and parent’s names and mother’s maiden name to get a birth certificate.

–If having difficulty, hiring law school students or moonlighting legal researchers are the best types to hire, as they don’t ask a lot of questions and like the money.

Once you have the proper information, need to request copy of birth certificate; don’t be nervous about this step as many lose their original or never get it.

-use a letterhead run off in the name of the person whose ID you are after, you should use money orders for all payments required, and conduct your communications through a mail drop.

Then you can go to the Department of Motor Vehicles and get a drivers license.

-Along with your birth certificate you will want to bring a couple letters addressed to you as proof of residence. It should be easy enough to arrange for them to show your mail drop address rather than your actual address.

To get a SSN, but don’t use the number that came with your new identity. Make up a reason to the SSN clerk for applying so late in life; ie. a “perpetual student” living abroad, etc.

The best place to get a new passport is the passport office and not the post office –the passport clerk will ask you for your birth certificate and some sort of supporting ID, like your drivers license. The winter months are better for quicker mailing.


The successful disappearee, especially one who is earnestly sought, must be able to land on his feet like the proverbial cat and move quickly and carefully thereafter.

Don’t stay with friends and families for the first few days of your new identity…this is where people from your former life will seek you out and leave a trail.

For the first few days, try to stay off the street, as police are more incline to checking out those on the street. Try to find a mission, salvation army, or place to stay…traveling probably works out best.

Small town USA is a no-no, people usually know everyone in these towns –seek a bigger city.

For the typical disappearee, the question is not whether to work, but what work to do and how to get it.

The most important principle to working for a new disappearee is to establish credit. The second reason, to establish personal contacts.

Accept in the beginning you will be taking low pay jobs, but you need to build up an employment history. Consider freelancing. Consider (nowadays) making money online.

Construction industry is a good industry for new identity. Also temp work.

Avoid positions that put you in the public eye; ie TV, radio, bartending, lecturing, bellhopping, etc.

If you need references, a couple of mail drops by creating fictious vague sounding companies will work. Use letterhead printed for these companies and write your own letters of reference. If someone asks for a phone reference, you can simply tell them that your immediate manager retired or went to work for a competitor.

The identity you assume will almost automatically assume his education, but do not attempt to “use” his degrees. –people you cross will ask about your education, alumni, etc.,

If you feel you must have educational credentials it is much better to buy degrees mail order than to use ones that came with your new shell

You can always get new degrees and take waiver exams of the classes you already took.

Get the most basic or easy to get credit card to start establishing credit.

One peculiar problem you may run into is the identity you assumed had previous debt problems. This is why an identity changer assumes only so much of another’s identity as is absolutely necessary, and why it is so important to start with a new and pristine social security number.

There are 6 general ways that a person is recognized: 1. Gait 2. Overall appearance 3. Shape of the head and face 4. Voice 5. Features, not the same as #3 6. Location

Consider changing hair color,  hairstyle, clothes you wear, wearing glasses, losing or gaining weight, growing a beard, etc.

If you are making a big change in status, it is best to keep quiet for awhile until you learn the ropes.

Must be prepared for identity checks at all times and proceed with caution to avoid them.

In the early stages, you must leave as little paper trail as possible.

Stay out of government buildings as much as possible

Avoid publicity as much as possible; rallies, clubs, etc.

Never go about with more than one set of identification papers on you…a common mistake

Perhaps the hardest, you must detach from your past. Many get tripped up from communicating with people from their “former” life.

All money should be transferred from one identity to another in cash.

Avoid the great temptation to confide and divulge your secret to a new lover or young lady.  —The extreme vulnerability being blackmail.


  1. If anyone can help me with changing my identity and getting a new I’d and stuff please contact me @ 2816834611

  2. I would like help on creating a new birth cert. and S.S number. Would pay for someone to get that started for me. need a new name a a way to any other state. I can make it rom their. please email me. subject needs to be something that can confirm it is a reply to what I am asking.

  3. I’m from Egypt and I need someone to help me to take over an identity of an American which would help me to stay in the US. I’m willing to pay money for this. Email me if you can do it for me.

  4. I create new identifications and lives for men and women in the US. And Canada . It’s not cheap and will take a little risk on your part but I have 100% success rate. Deposit required for consultation and proof of no affiliation with law enforcement . Text only (872) 903-0049

      • i can supply all of these, 100% pass inspection. $1,500. new id will have no criminal record as well as good credit. $2000 usd

        • I was charged of a serious crime, and am about to be put in jail for 6 yrs. I am going in with current info, but would like a whole new SSN, and Identity. I am planning to leave my current state, and want to settle someplace new, where I can get a house and just be left alone and work as a freelancer or open a business under my new credentials.

          Can you help me? And how much will it cost.

          Please email me.

          • Hi E.L.
            I saw your comments in “How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found by Doug Richmond”. I’m in a very similar situation as you described of yourself. I’m curious as to any info that would help me create a new ID. I currently live in Arizona and wouldn’t mind moving to another state OR another country. I’m in my 60’s, and have a good income from trading stocks.
            If you can give me any pointers on how to proceed, the info would be most appreciated. I’m scanning ‘Google articles’ and most of it only adds to the confusion. I’ve bought ‘fake id’s’ in two other names but they do me no good if I am scanned by police or similar.
            Good luck with all your endeavors; and I hope you can give me some ideas on how to move forward (quickly :-).
            Thanks for any practical info …
            Al R.

          • I am seriously in need of a new identity. Birthcertificate new ssn. This is not for illegal purposes. My life is in danger.

    • what is proof of no affiliation with law enforcement???? not a cop etc… just curios….. also, in this article, it never said how not to get busted at the dmv taking an id photo…. don’t the dmv always look/check passed photos in the system… i know u prob didn’t write this article bit just thought u might know…… thx for ur time

      • How would someone get “busted” by the DMV? They don’t have a database of every person in the US so they can compare you to hundreds of pictures. No matter what name you choose, I guarantee there will be a lot of other people with the same name. As long as you’re not using a birth certificate and SS number from another living person who has a current driver license in your state, you’ll just look like anyone else moving to a new place and applying for a license. Say that you’re moving from NYC because most adults who live there never get a driver license, so it won’t seem strange for you to be a new driver, no matter what your age.

    • How do you prove your not working with law enforcement?? If they are they aren’t going to tell you, and if they’re not they aren’t going to have some flashy badge saying “I do not work for law enforcement”. You’re funny. Lol you genuinely made me smile a bit. Not laugh, but smile. The more I think about it though, the more I do want to laugh.

  5. I’m not running from the law,just past mistakes with a minor criminal record making it very difficult to find a job…a descent paying job. Need help. Text only…8286399140.

  6. My ex-husband used to beat me badly, his family encouraged it and tried to get me to commit suicide. He used to choke, he raped me, his family encouraged the beatings. I live in fear the legal system gives him visitation with the kids and half of everything even though he was convicted. I’ve been discriminated against for being a victim by my city and by a job.
    If I try to run and change my identity we could be in poverty, or worse I could be arrested and my kids given to him.

    I don’t know where to run to.

  7. I am in dire need of reestablishing my life. The man I’ve been with for more than a year hid some very very dark secrets from me. I’m penniless and scared but I am away from him. (He’s very wealthy and has a large reach in the Midwest.) Please can anyone help me? First step is getting out of this area. 573-245-2824

  8. Please somebody help. My husband is abusive and is so deceitful. Him and his family keep me prisoner. I am abused and I need help escaping. I have been told and there is no doubt he will kill me.

      • I have a very difficult time believing any women who says she is abused these days. I’ve seen so many false accusations ruin guys lives but nothing happens to the woman when the lies are discovered. I can’t believe them, women are the most deceitful creatures on earth.

    • I was born with deformities and my spine my tailbone and my pelvis and at a year and a half I fell off a two-story balcony splitting my head open losing two portions of my brain breaking my neck permanently and shattering my kneecaps I’ve always lived my life in pain with epilepsy schizophrenia bipolar disease and I’m also manic depressant and due to this I have had issues where I live getting constant medical treatment and assistance and due to lack of medication and therapy episodes have come up and now my husband is facing felony charges and can’t seem to get any help or understanding with his legal issues or getting the legal system to understand my mental issues and how and why this would all happen I want to try to get new identities for me my husband and our autistic son and get the hell out of California it doesn’t really matter where we go I just would like him to be able to work and I would like my son to be able to go to school and I would like us to be able to buy a home we’ve never owned a home we’ve been homeless for 3 years now and things only seem to be getting worse than due to the homelessness my son is living in a group home and it breaks my heart I bought him home with me with us and I want to live somewhere where I can get adequate help with my condition and programs for my autistic son and good work for my husband he’s a good man and he’s always had great jobs he’s always worked so hard sometimes 20 hours a day for pennies and he deserves a good job then I deserve some mental stability they don’t have much money right now but I do have a tax return coming it’s not an immense amount of money but I was hoping it would be enough to save my family we’re in a small town in California and California’s laws are so evil and so dead set unlocking everybody they can up as quickly and as long as possible and there’s no help for anybody with any type of mental physical or emotional issue so please if there’s anybody out there anybody at all that can help I’ll do anything to save my family please contact me as soon as possible please. or text me 5309171451

      • Oh my! That’s all I can say is oh my!!! Oh wait I can’t keep my mouth shut….you were born with deformities and your spine,tailbone and pelvis and at a year and a half fell off a two-story balcony splitting your head open losing two portions of my brain breaking my neck permanently and shattering my kneecaps you always lived life in pain with epilepsy schizophrenia bipolar disease and you’re also manic depressant. husband’s a criminal, and kids autistic. And you’re all homeless. Its a surprise you actually could write this and all, you know with your broken brain and outbursts of rage and comedianisms. This genuinely made me laugh uncontrollably for 5 minutes. Rotfflmfao

  9. I read the book and studied all the details carefully. I disappeared so well that when I looked in the mirror the next morning I saw nothing

  10. My ex has been abusing me and my children and I need help to create a new identity ASAP. I cannot take anymore and since he works for the police department they are no help. I will pay just someone please help me. I can be reached at

  11. I wish to God I could disappear without a trace.
    I think it may be impossible when you have children.
    I have hatful family who has hated me since childhood that has done nothing but destroy my spirit, reputation and everything else with lies and jealousy. I feel I can never be successful with my name. I can’t even be in a relationship because they stalk that as well. I Just been through so much because of them. False accusations, jail, evictions, break ups, assassination of character. My dear brother was even murdered by “friends of theirs.”
    I’m a good person, always have been, but all I am now to anyone who hears my name is the person they’ve created. I’ve seriously considered suicide.
    I just want to run and never look back.
    I hope all that needs to run do it successfully and safely.
    The women who is being abused I only hope you find the courage to go, run, just run!

  12. I wish to disappear. I plan to do so soon. I will update here on how well it goes (June of 2021 is when it will all go as planned I pray)

  13. I have not committed any crime or am I being haunted by authorities or debtors “yet”, but I’m very interested in going incognito and changing my total identity and changing my life in a new place. Need a safe transition protocol and contact for a new passport, SS etc.

  14. Anyone looking to really do this and completely start over with a new identity and everything needed to prosper with it. Email me at gregdeason@gmail. I can do all this for you

  15. Looking for some advise or help with adopting a new identity. Willing to pay for a reliable source with a proven track record. Text only 281 723 9974

  16. So I am ok with leaving friends and family behind, I realize that contacting folks from your past is one place folks trip and fall. I simply want to dissapear and never be found for personal reasons. A reboot in life so to speak. I don’t owe anyone money and I’m not running from the law I simply dont want to be me anymore. I work very hard but scramble to make a decent living these days. I simply can’t afford thousands of dollars to reboot. I know where to get passable documents and all that, I need someone that can enter my credentials into the federal data base. Can someone help me with that part? I will pay no problem I just dont have an endless steam of money to do it. Any help would be appreciated thank you

  17. I’m a Canadian soldier with a long history of violence.
    I’m not hurting people anymore, because I got help with controlling my urges.
    I want to change my identity, because I’m limited in my job options, despite my education.
    I’m university educated.
    Will I be able to change my identity using this?

    • Also; I’m a genius.
      I was tested three times while I was a child.
      I can figure things out pretty quickly.
      So you can understand why I’m sketchy about you!
      If you can do what you say you can do, I’m in.

  18. I don’t want to be “me” anymore. I would like to start over at 62 and keep my small pension and social security. Otherwise, the plan is to simply vanish and have one last shot at living the rest of my life on my terms and not what other people always want to push or manipulate me to do. I don’t need to make a lot of money, i can even stay within the social security limits on income. No more baggage! Just the sweet air of freedom!

    • I need a new identity with all legal documents required to do so. Specifically a birth certificate, ss card, and identification. Can you do this? What is the cost associated?

      • Yes is all guaranteed and legal documents. Cost associated is $1500 for all 3 documents with expedited shipping and can be done and to you within 2 weeks time at the most. Usually turn around within a week. Payment is broken up into two parts. You pay out half initially and then send the other half upon receipt and acceptance of your new documents. That way the trust is a two way street. I don’t finish getting paid until you like the product and likewise I get the portion I need to get everything set but don’t get my portion of the payment until you receive and approve of everything. I have many references if needed. Just email me at and we can work it out.

        • Either way you’re making free money am I right. Looks convincing telling them they only pay half or what not but technically they won’t see the documents and you won’t be reachable for their complaints. You’re still ripping them off just not the same amount as the rest of the clueless idiots wiling to through away money in hopes of a better life from being screwed don’t even see the next screw in line. Did you fall out a 2 story window breaking your brain turning you into a nut bag with diformities like the fuckn fruit from one of the above post?? Or the dipshit who wants proof of no cop affiliation?? You all are just too damn funny!!! Fr!!!!

  19. Professor Deepak Somaya in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign is a Rapist and a Child Molester. Deepak has been raping multiple female UIUC Students for the past five years. When Deepak sees an attractive student in his class, he first approach her, then fail her from the Midterm exam. At this point student is way into the course and she is ineligible to drop the course. Then, Deepak approach her to offer private tutoring. During Private Tutoring, he use intimidation tactics and threatening to fail the student or get a “C Grade” to pass. To get the “C” Grade, he demands the female student to have SEX with him. Professor Deepak Somaya of University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign is a RAPIST and a MONSTER. Deepak use an alias name on internet named “EAP_Jackson”. Deepak Somaya use this internet handle “EAP_Jackson” to communicate with underage female students in the Illinois system.

    Professor Deepak Somaya:

    • Hi Kat.
      I’ve been scouring the internet for ways to change my identity. Desperately need to do so ASAP. If you’ve received info that would be helpful in that pursuit, please contact me. I would be very appreciative.

    • I’m getting stalked too, by a woman who moved over 2000 miles across the country to stalk me when I was a little kid.

      I’m completely fucked and she’s a psychopathic rapist, I need a new identity.

      I can get a fake ID online, tho I’m not sure I trust the sites people suggest, but how do I get a birth certificate????

      My plan is to move to canada and start over fresh, where no one can find me.

  20. Associate Professor Deepak Somaya
    I (Associate Professor Deepak Somaya) in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign like to confess that I am a Rapist and a Child Molester. I need to change my identity to “EAP JACKSON”. Please Help me!

  21. Hi I live in the US need help to change my identity to avoid a legal matter because honestly it’s either this or…suicide because I’m not spending 10 years in prison for something I
    Didn’t do. I was also wondering if it’s possible to also lie low with a family member while changing my identity? I’m 23 with a lot of life to live and dreams I want to accomplish….I don’t want to die…but I feel it’s the only way out. If you see this please help me, thank you to anyone who does.

  22. There are a lot of things that are not covered in this article, so maybe I can help with some stuff and I’m sure that once others see where I’m going, they’ll be able to offer additional advice about these topics. First of all, you can make some quick money (and a lot of it), by either doing some black market work or helping someone else who does “freelance” work. If you’re not comfortable and connected and skilled enough to get some cheap drugs then flip them for fast money, then find someone who is fairly successful in this market and make yourself some cash while helping them. Mid and higher level drug dealers will pay someone with a clean background upwards of $5000/month to rent a small house in your name so they can use it as a “trap house”. You get even more if you put a few utilities in your name as well. If you go this route, after you turn the keys over to the drug dealer, stay away from it. If they get “busted” , no one will know you from that property (neighbors never saw you, you didn’t frequent local establishments, etc), and you could claim identity theft and put any other “unusual” activity surrounding your identity into question. It’ll make your current identity less predictable and easy to track and it will give you an excuse for any unusual activity while you’re getting your new identity started. Hope this helps. Email me if you have questions.

  23. I’ve always been curious as to how to do this, but if you’re in the US, and you have any type of passive income or even just assets, and simply want to get away from where you’re at, simply sell everything and move to a place that is much cheaper to live.

    The headache is getting your obligations to release you.

  24. I’m currently living in Arizona and need a completely new ID (in ANY state). I’m seeking out birth certificate, driver’s license and SSN. I’m 68 years old and currently using my actual ID – but it’s no good for driving (outstanding warrant).
    I have two fake id’s in another name. But, they do me no good if I’m pulled over for a traffic offense. So, I’m looking for an ID which can be renewed at the state DMV office. Also, I trade stocks so I need to have a new ID for setting up a new broker account AND a new bank account in a new name.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

  25. I need help on completely disappearing and changing my identity in Indonesia. Is there anyone by any chance can help me with it?

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